Why Is Dental Cleaning Essential For Teeth?

The American Dental Association recommends regular dental visits at intervals set out by a dentist so that the frequency makes accommodations for the individual's current oral health status and health history.


A dental visit consists of the following:

  • Professional cleaning by a trained dental hygienist
  • Digital imaging or x-rays of all oral tissue, nerve pathways, and bone
  • A clinical examination

Professional cleaning by a hygienist uses special tools to remove plaque and tartar from your teeth. The hygienist will floss and apply a fluoride treatment / antibacterial mouthwash. Periodically the hygienist will assess the extent of gum disease to determine the correct course of treatment. A dental assistant or the dentist will carry digital imaging or film x-rays, and the dentist will complete the visual examination. The dentist will report findings, diagnosis, and recommended treatments. 

A University of Michigan School of Dentistry completed a study to explore the link between long-term tooth loss and frequency of preventive dental visits in adults with and without 3 risk factors (smoking, diabetes, and genetic variations). The study concluded that risk factors dictate the frequency of yearly dental cleanings needed to help prevent periodontal disease and tooth loss. High-risk patients required frequent visits to benefit to the same degree as low-risk patients with fewer visits. 

Discover Nine Great Reasons to Visit Bryant Street Dental in Palo Alto

1) To Prevent Tooth Decay

Regular professional dental cleaning helps prevent tooth decay. A dental cleaning removes plaque and tartar from teeth to prevent decay. When plaque and tartar form on teeth, the reaction causes microscopic holes in the enamel. These holes allow bacteria to enter the tooth and thrive, leading to decay.

2) To Detect Oral Cancer At An Early Stage

Oral cancer is a life-threatening disease that can be deadly if not detected and treated early in the disease process. Between the hygienist's cleaning and a dentist's examination, signs of oral cancer may be detected early. The hygienist and dentist look for any abnormal growths or changes in the mouth that indicate cancer. Early diagnosis of oral cancer is critical for successful treatment. 

3) To Detect Signs Of Broken Fillings

A fundamental aspect of dental care is having regular cleanings. This helps remove any built-up plaque and tartar on the teeth and gives the hygienist a chance to scan the teeth for any signs of damage. This is especially important for fillings, which can become cracked or broken. 


There is more than one reason why people might have broken fillings. 

  • The filling material may not be strong enough to withstand the force of chewing. 
  • Jaw disorders, such as bruxism or TMJ, cause grinding or clenching that weakens fillings. Additional tooth decay around the filling can weaken and cause it to break.

The placement of a filling material in the tooth also affects its strength. Sometimes the filling is not adequately bonded, it may crack and leak, leading to more decay or deeper infection, or it may break. Either way, having regular cleanings and checkups will ensure that your fillings are intact. Either way, having regular cleanings and checkups will ensure that your fillings are intact. 

Compromised fillings can be replaced and strengthened. Porcelain inlays, onlays, or crowns are an excellent way to cap and protect difficult or large fillings from weakening in the future. 

4) To Prevent Gum Disease

Gum disease occurs when your gums become inflamed, leading to bleeding and discomfort. It is caused by plaque buildup, a sticky film of bacteria that blankets your teeth. If plaque is not eliminated, it can harden and turn into tartar (also called calculus). Tartar can bring irritation and inflammation to gums and makes it even harder to remove plaque. As the disease progresses, the gums pull away from the teeth, forming spaces (pockets) that become infected.

5) To Keep Cardiovascular Disease And Diabetes At Bay

The medical literature has well-established the link between periodontal disease, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes. A growing body of evidence suggests that inflammation associated with periodontal disease may play a role in cardiovascular disease and diabetes development.

Good oral health results from regular cleanings and dental examinations and helps prevent cardiovascular disease and diabetes. When bacteria enter the bloodstream, it circulates the organs causing harm. 

6) To Prevent Cavities

Cavities form when the tooth enamel is breached, allowing bacteria to enter the tooth and cause decay. Dental cleanings can remove the plaque and tartar that build up on teeth, preventing cavities from forming.

7) To Brighten Your Smile

A bright smile is essential for many reasons: 

  • A sign of good health. A healthy mouth indicates that the rest of the body is likely in good condition. A bright smile is a sign of youth and vitality, which is appealing in our society. 
  • Dental cleanings will maintain a bright smile. Professional cleaning eliminates stains, plaque, and tartar that cause tooth decay and discoloration.

8) To Freshen Your Breath

You leave a good impression when you have fresh breath in social situations. Fresh breath is not only important for good social interactions, but it can also be indicative of overall health. Persistent bad breath may indicate severe disease. You're more likely to have cavities and other dental problems if you have bad breath. 

9) Save Money And Time In The Long Run

When it comes to dental care, many people focus on the immediate benefits and costs. However, it is wise to consider the long-term implications of dental care. You can save time and money in the long run by preventing more serious dental problems from developing that will require costly procedures and lots of your time. 

In Summary

Regular dental cleaning and examinations keep you healthy and comfortable by preventing many systemic inflammatory diseases. Dental cleanings and examinations give you a healthy smile that boosts your confidence in social situations. A healthy oral condition means you can articulate well and enjoy all the foods you love. 

Visit your Bryant Street Palo Alto Dentist. 

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