Laser Periodontal Therapy Palo Alto   Bryant St Dental

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Laser Periodontal Therapy Palo Alto

Increase Your Smile Power with Teeth Whitening

Laser Periodontal Therapy in Palo Alto, CA

Welcome to Bryant St Dental, your premier destination for advanced dental care in Palo Alto, CA. We are excited to introduce you to our cutting-edge service: Laser Periodontal Therapy.

This revolutionary treatment approach combines technology, expertise, and patient-centered care to effectively address periodontal issues and promote optimal oral health.

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What is Laser Periodontal Therapy?

Laser Periodontal Therapy, also known as LANAP (Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure), is a minimally invasive and highly precise method for treating gum disease.

Unlike traditional methods that involve scalpels and sutures, this advanced technique utilizes laser technology to target and eliminate bacteria, tartar, and diseased tissue while preserving healthy gum tissue. The result is a more comfortable, efficient, and faster recovery process for patients.

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Benefits of Laser Periodontal Therapy

  1. Minimally Invasive: The laser's precision allows for targeted treatment without the need for cutting or stitching, reducing trauma to the gums and promoting quicker healing.
  2. Less Discomfort: Patients experience less pain and discomfort compared to traditional gum surgery, as the laser seals blood vessels and nerve endings while working.
  3. Faster Recovery: Since there are no sutures involved and minimal trauma to the gums, recovery time is significantly reduced, allowing you to get back to your routine faster.
  4. Preservation of Healthy Tissue: Laser therapy selectively targets diseased areas while preserving healthy gum tissue, promoting better overall gum health.
  5. Reduced Risk of Infection: The laser's high-energy light effectively sterilizes the treated area, reducing the risk of post-procedure infections.
  6. Stimulates Regrowth: Laser therapy can stimulate the regeneration of bone and tissues that support your teeth, promoting better attachment and overall gum health.
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Laser Periodontal Therapy FAQ's

How does Laser Periodontal Therapy work?

A specialized dental laser is used to selectively target and remove bacteria, tartar, and infected tissue from the gums. The laser's energy also helps to stimulate the regeneration of healthy tissue and promote gum reattachment.

Is Laser Periodontal Therapy painful?

Laser Periodontal Therapy is designed to be minimally invasive and more comfortable than traditional gum surgery. Many patients report experiencing minimal discomfort during and after the procedure, and any discomfort is usually manageable with over-the-counter pain relievers.

How long does the procedure take?

The length of the procedure can vary based on the severity of your gum disease and the extent of treatment needed. In general, Laser Periodontal Therapy is often completed in a single visit, and each session typically lasts about two to four hours.

What can I expect during the recovery process?

One of the advantages of Laser Periodontal Therapy is its faster recovery time. Most patients experience minimal swelling and discomfort, and the healing process is quicker compared to traditional gum surgery. Your dentist will provide specific aftercare instructions to ensure a smooth recovery.

Are there any side effects associated with Laser Periodontal Therapy?

While side effects are minimal, some patients may experience temporary sensitivity, mild discomfort, or minor gum tissue changes. These effects are usually short-lived and resolve on their own during the healing process.

Am I a candidate for Laser Periodontal Therapy?

A thorough evaluation by a dental professional is needed to determine if you're a suitable candidate for Laser Periodontal Therapy. This treatment is often recommended for patients with varying stages of gum disease, but the dentist will assess your individual case to make the best recommendation.

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