When Should You Visit An Emergency Dental Clinic?

If you have ever had a dental emergency, you will know how much it interferes with your daily life. When you find yourself suffering as the result of a dental issue, that is the time to find a dentist immediately. An emergency dental clinic in Palo Alto can provide the necessary care to eliminate your oral discomfort quickly. 

You might need emergency dental care for many reasons. If you have a toothache, chipped or broken teeth, or lost fillings, an emergency dentist can help. This article will explain how dentists effectively fix seven common dental emergencies.

1) Fractured/Chipped/Teeth

When a patient presents with a chipped or broken tooth, the dentist will assess the situation and choose the best course of treatment. The dentist will repair a minor break with dental bonding. Any rough edges need to be smoothed, and a tooth-colored resin is applied to repair the damage. 

As an alternative, a veneer will cover and protect the tooth. Veneers are porcelain shells bonded to the front of the tooth, or a crown will cover the remaining tooth structure when a break is more substantial. 

Infection or exposed pulp due to fracture requires root canal therapy. Remember, the emergency dentist will always recommend the best solution to restore your tooth to its original function and appearance. 

2) Soft Tissue Injury

Lacerations to the gums, cheeks, or tongue require emergency dental treatment. Usually, these can be treated by cleansing the wound and applying a topical antibiotic ointment. However, the dentist may need to suture an injury. Sometimes, patients may also require oral surgery to repair more severe damage.

3) Lost Filling/Crown

One of the most common dental emergencies is related to lost fillings and crowns. In most cases, the lost filling or crown is replaced. The dentist first cleans out the area around the tooth, then uses a unique bonding material to reattach the filling. However, in severe cases(when the tooth pulp is decayed or damaged), the dentist may need to perform a root canal procedure.

4) A Missing Or Loose Tooth

Sometimes a missing or loose tooth results from trauma to the mouth from an accident or sports injury. However, 42.2 % of adults 30 have gum disease, and 7.8% of those have severe gum disease that will result in tooth loss. 

Teeth also become loose or detached due to clenching or grinding (bruxism). Excessive force on the teeth will cause them to become loose. 

When a tooth has come out due to injury, it is crucial to see a dentist immediately to save the tooth. The dentist will use a splinting technique to reattach the tooth. You can do a few things to help save a detached tooth. First, rinse the tooth off with water and try to put it back in the socket. If that is not possible, drop the tooth in a cup of milk until you can get to a dentist.

5) Broken Jaw

The most common reason for a broken jaw is physical trauma, such as a car accident, sports injury, or a fall. However, some medical conditions, such as osteoporosis, can make the jaw susceptible to fracture. Maxillofacial surgeons repair a broken jaw. They typically reset the bone by wiring the upper and lower teeth correctly. This process is called reduction and fixation. In exceptional cases, the surgeon may also need to insert plates or screws to hold the bone.

6) Bleeding Teeth/Gums

A dental hygienist usually treats the cause of minor gum bleeding during regular dental appointments every six months. Plaque build-up, gingivitis, periodontitis, and poor dental hygiene, cause minor bleeding. Bleeding may also be a side effect of certain medications, such as blood thinners.

If your gums bleed, the dentist will clean the affected area and remove any plaque or tartar. They may also recommend a few antibiotics to help clear up the infection. Regular bleeding may signify a more severe condition, such as Leukemia.

7) Tooth Decay

The most common technique to fix cavities caused by tooth decay is removing the decay and filling the cavity. A root canal may be necessary if the decay has reached the inner tooth and becomes infected.

A few tips to prevent tooth decay:

•Brush your teeth two times a day for 2 minutes each time. Fluoride toothpaste helps strengthen the tooth enamel, making it more resistant to decay.

•Floss daily to eliminate plaque and food debris from between the teeth.

•Limit the consumption of sugary snacks and drinks as it will help reduce the risk of tooth decay.

•Follow a balanced diet and regularly visiting your Palo Alto dentist are also crucial in preventing tooth decay.

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